Workshop on "Telecommunication and Media Sectors Convergence: Implications for Policy Makers and Regulators"
Εκτός Ελλάδας
Workshop on "Telecommunication and Media Sectors Convergence: Implications for Policy Makers and Regulators"
Έναρξη 09:00 - Λήξη 17:00We are delighted to invite you to the "Telecommunication and Media Sectors Convergence: Implications for Policy Makers and Regulators" workshop, co-organized by the Telecommunication Development Bureau of the ITU, the Agency for Electronic Communications (AEC) and INA Academy.
The workshop has been developed as part of the Regulatory issues Programme, within the ITU Centres of Excellence Network initiative for Europe, and it will take place at the Monitoring Centre of the Agency for Electronic Communications, in Skopje, during the period 14-16th December 2009. It is addressed to Policy Makers, Regulators, Corporate Executives and Managers, Administrators and Officials dealing with regulatory and business issues related to telecoms and media convergence.
Attached you can find the invitation letter, draft agenda and registration forms.
In case you need more clarifications on the registration procedure, please do not hesitate to contact us (