Email Lifecycle Management

Εντός Ελλάδας

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Email Lifecycle Management

Έναρξη 09:00 - Λήξη 17:00

Is your Exchange Environment Scalable and Secure?

Sun Microsystems, Symantec and Microsoft invite you to a seminar where we give you insight in how to intelligently archive your Exchange environment and how to scale your email infrastructure and reduce TCO by moving historical data to cost-efficient platforms.

Are you using Exchange 2003?
Have you got plans to upgrade to 2007?
Learn the best ways to archive and retrieve
your most important asset: Your data.

Register today to learn more about:

  • Protecting your Exchange data from disasters and delivering immediate recovery capabilities.
  • Retaining email for as long as you need while avoiding storage growth
  • Establishing policies for archiving, retaining, and facilitating e-discovery of email data and documents
  • Alternative ways of managing .pst files
  • Optimizing and streamlining email storage
  • Sun-supported solutions for archiving compliance, data protection, and management of your entire email environment
  • Reducing administration and hardware costs
  • Enhancing email server performance to meet service level agreements
  • How to seamlessly migrate to your new environment

Who Should Attend?

  • Message Managers
  • IT Managers
  • Security Managers / Administrators
  • Exchange Managers and Administrators
  • System Administrators
  • Storage Managers, administrators and architects


13.00 – 13.30

Registration & Welcome Coffee

13.30 – 13.50

Welcome Address
Steve Furniss, SEE GEM Vice President, Sun Microsystems

13.50 – 14.40

Why Upgrade to MS Exchange 2007?
Nicholas Molfetas, Information Worker Solutions Specialist, Microsoft Hellas
Theodoros Statheas, Information Worker Technology Specialist, Microsoft Hellas

14.40 – 15.30

Why Implement an E-mail Archive?
Derek O'Carroll, Senior Director, Enterprise Sales, Symantec

15.30 – 15.55

Coffee Break

15.55 – 16.45

Why Utilize a Complete Sun Infrastructure for the Entire Solution?
Eric Gigleux, SEE Storage Practice Director, Sun Microsystems

16.45 – 17.00

Learn with Microsoft, Sun and Symantec
HOW you can upgrade and archive your Email infrastructure with practical steps

16.50 – 17.00

Q & A Session - Draw of Prizes

17.00 – 18.00


Register now