Εκτός Ελλάδας

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Έναρξη 12:00 - Λήξη 17:00
ERA Congress Centre

Community competition policy has been applied for decades and has, as an important pillar for the completion of the internal market, been at the heart of European economic integration.

This summer course will first provide an insight into competition policy and then examine the effective application of the articles contained in the EC Treaty and secondary legislation. Particular attention will be paid to the case law of the ECJ relating to competition matters. In view of the economic basis of this subject matter, the introductory part of the course will be devoted to explaining economic considerations such as the concept of relevant market and market share.

The course includes a visit to the European Court of Justice

Registrations reaching ERA before 9 May 2008
will be eligible for a 20% discount.

Click here for more information

Speakers include

Mr Henry Abbott, Legal Secretary at the European Court of Justice, Luxembourg; Dr Werner Berg, LL.M., Partner Crowell & Moring, Brussels; Mr André Bouquet, Member of the Legal Service of the European Commission, Brussels; Mr Pascal Cardonnel, Legal Secretary at the European Court of Justice, Luxembourg; Mr Christian Filippitsch, Norton Rose, Brussels; Professor Rosa Greaves, University of Glasgow; Mr Michael Jürgen Werner, Partner, Norton Rose, Brussels