Info events on FP7 in Xanthi and Alexandroupoli
Εντός Ελλάδας
Info events on FP7 in Xanthi and Alexandroupoli
Έναρξη 00:00 - Λήξη 00:00
Ξάνθη, Αλεξανδρούπολη
Events on FP7: 16-17 April: Thraki, Organisation: DUTH
1) 16 April 2008: Information Day on FP7, place: Xanthi (Hotel: Elissos), Organisation: DUTH
2) 17 April 2008: Information Day on FP7, place: Alexandoupolis, Organisation: DUTH
EKT as NCP for FP7 fully supports the above mentioned events and the appropriate NCPs representatives will deliver relevant speech
The participation in the events is free of charge and for more info and the Agenda please refer to: