Annual Mobile Search Awards & Conference 2008

Εκτός Ελλάδας

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Annual Mobile Search Awards & Conference 2008

Έναρξη 12:00 - Λήξη 17:00

- Have you reserved your place at the Annual Awards Dinner and Conference?
- Have you entered your nomination?
- How can you increase your profile by highlighting your success to your clients?
- Wouldn't it be great if an independent awards recognised your achievements?
Reserve your place today.

Key Speakers include:
- Valentina Rivoira, Project Manager, Telecom Italia
- Jiazhen Wu, Senior Product Manager - Mobile Internet Discovery, Vodafone
- Luis Sousa Cardoso, FIINA President, QSDG/ITU Chairman, Portugal Telecom
- Oded Ran, Head of Mobile Partner Relations, Microsoft
- Chris Goswami, Director Product Management, Openwave
- Peggy Anne Salz, Founder and Sr. Analyst, M Search Groove
- Alexander Trommen, COO, MINICK
- James Harris, Head of Industry Support, PhonepayPlus
- Stephen Burke, SVP, MCN
- Farhad Divecha, Director, Accuracast
...Plus many more

By 2011, mobile search will account for around $715 million, or almost 15% of a total mobile advertising market worth nearly $4.7 billion”, according to a leading market research firm. Depending on a researcher’s particular bias toward telecom, Web or technology factors, the published forecasts for global mobile search vary from $1.5 billion by 2008 to over $11 billion by 2011. Major search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN have now realised success and are fast developing solutions to transfer their well-established names to the mobile internet. Identify how to prevent a poor initial user experience, and as a result of this how the markets would gain more traffic and the operators would gain by increasing their ARPU. But which business model will offer the most success?

By attending this event you will learn:
- How internet search is evolving and how you can succeed within it
- Evaluate technical developments in standards for wireless markup
- Analyse the effect of location-based services and linking effectively to search
- Find out which are likely to be the most profitable business models for mobile search
- Learn about solutions to improve the user’s mobile search experience
- Examine barriers to widespread acceptance
- Understand user behaviour and interaction with advertising
- Enable yourself to make the right strategic alliances with the best partners
- Effective pricing strategies to attract users while ensuring profits

Visiongain’s Mobile Search Conference and Awards will analyse the newest developments in the content and applications industry. By attending you will identify the strategies and movements of the key players. By attending this event you will discover the benefits that mobile search will bring to each player in the wireless value chain. You will also identify the evolution of voice enabled and camera search technologies. Our eminent speakers from leading companies will share their expertise and provide a valuable insight with regards to crucial topics. As a result of attending this conference you will be able to identify the right tools to get ahead in this search industry which will make you unique from your competitors.

Award categories are:
- Best entertainment or information service
- Search engine optimization award
- Best advertising or marketing service
- Award for best technology innovation: Software
- Most innovative business model
- Best location based search award
- Overall mobile search company of the year
- Award for best multimodal search service
- Award for best content discovery experience on device (ODP)
- Award for best operator portal mobile search experience

Find out what impact this market area will have on portal strategies and mobile data usage. This conference offers you an analysis of the opportunities and threats that your company needs to address in order to profit from mobile search. Is 'mobile search' a wireless extension of fixed internet search, or should it be viewed differently? And how do users utilise mobile search? Only one event this will tell you.


Conference Agenda

09:00 Registration & refreshments

09:30 Chair’s opening remarks
Chris Goswami, Director Product Management, Openwave

09:40 Examining the future market for mobile search
• Identify the significance of the mobile web
• What is happening to mobile advertising, cross marketing and promotions?
• Is the growing wave of excitement surrounding mobile search justified?
• Who will profit from an increase in usage of the new service?
• Is there a solid case for investment or is it just a gimmick?
Peggy Anne Salz, Founder and Sr. Analyst, M Search Groove

10:20 Enhancing Mobile Internet and Content Discovery through Google Vodafone Search Service - A Partnership between Google and Vodafone
• How Google Vodafone search offers an experience beyond that of PC
• The balance between On-Portal and Off-Portal discovery
• Optimise mobile search to increase usage and reach
• Enhancing mobile browsing for the mass market is crucial to the overall Mobile Internet experience and Mobile Search Advertising – the success formula
Jiazhen Wu, Senior Product Manager - Mobile Internet Discovery, Vodafone

11:00 Morning refreshments & discussion

11:20 Refining mobile search for mobile consumers: A location-based service
• How popular has location-based mobile search been with consumers?
• What are the difficulties in implementing the service?
• What are the possible business models and which is likely to prevail?
• When will services be adopted by mass-market?
Oded Ran, Head of Mobile Partner Relations, Microsoft

12:00 Further development of off-deck services
• Tremendous progression in off-deck services in the past, what is the strategy for the future? Impact of off-deck services on carriers and content owners.
• Has the ‘walled garden’ sufficiently collapsed? How can the carriers further enable the success of off-deck?
Luis Sousa Cardoso, FIINA President, QSDG/ITU Chairman, Portugal Telecom

12:40 Networking luncheon

13:40 Examining the pros & cons of different payment options
• Does PSMS have a role to play in the US? Would consumers prefer PSMS or direct to bill?
• Subscription vs. a la carte: encouraging the uptake of subscription services for a steady revenue stream.
• Decreasing the settlement and turn around time of collecting revenue from carriers and aggregators.
Alexander Trommen, COO, MINICK
James Harris, Head of Industry Support, PhonepayPlus

14:00 Determining what content users are searching for and using this to drive your on-portal strategy
• Mobile Content specifics from a search perspective
• On-Portal and off-portal - two channels and the same search box?
• On-portal integration issues regarding outsourced content categories