2018 WITSA ICT Global Excellence Awards

Σας ενημερώνουμε ότι ο WITSA (World Information Technology and Services Alliance/Παγκόσμιος Σύνδεσμος Πληροφορικής και Υπηρεσιών), στο πλαίσιο των εργασιών του, έχει θεσμοθετήσει τα WITSA Global ICT Excellence Awards. Τα βραβεία απονέμονται με στόχο να αναδειχθούν οι καλύτερες επιχειρήσεις και οι καλύτεροι χρήστες του κλάδου Τεχνολογιών Πληροφορικής και Επικοινωνιών, οι οποίοι ξεχωρίζουν για τα επιτεύγματά τους σε ό,τι αφορά τις εφαρμογές ΤΠΕ για το Δημόσιο Τομέα, τον Ιδιωτικό Τομέα, τη Δημιουργία Ψηφιακών Ευκαιριών και την Αειφόρο Ανάπτυξη. 

Ο WITSA ιδρύθηκε το 1978 και αποτελεί μια κοινοπραξία 80 συνδέσμων πληροφορικής απ' όλο τον κόσμο, που σήμερα αντιπροσωπεύουν περισσότερο από το 90% της παγκόσμιας αγοράς πληροφορικής. 

Ο ΣΕΠΕ, ως μέλος του WITSA (από το 1996), έχει προσκληθεί να υποβάλει την πρόταση του για ελληνικές υποψηφιότητες στο πλαίσιο των “2018 WITSA ICT Global Excellence Awards, τα οποία θα ανακοινωθούν στο πλαίσιο του Παγκόσμιου Συνεδρίου Πληροφορικής “WCIT 2018”, στις 19-21 Φεβρουαρίου 2018 στη Hyderabad, στην Ινδία. 

Ως εκ τούτου, καλούνται οι επιχειρήσεις - μέλη του ΣΕΠΕ, που ενδιαφέρονται να υποβάλουν υποψηφιότητα, σύμφωνα με τις κατηγορίες και τα δεδομένα που θέτει ο WITSA, να στείλουν την πρόταση τους μέχρι την  Παρασκευή 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2017

Με δεδομένο ότι μπορούν να υποβληθούν μέχρι και 8 υποψηφιότητες από κάθε μέλος του WITSA, οι προτάσεις, που θα υποβληθούν στον ΣΕΠΕ θα αξιολογηθούν, προκειμένου να γίνει η τελική επιλογή και υποβολή των ελληνικών υποψηφιοτήτων προς τον WITSA. 


1. Public Sector ICT Excellence Award
Government entities and non-profit organizations are eligible to be nominated in the Public-Sector Excellence award category.

Award Criteria: To be nominated, a government entity must, in its delivery of services within or outside the organization, use information and communications technology to 1) improve a national or local government's effectiveness in meeting the needs of its citizens; 2) save time and money in government operations by eliminating inefficient practices and processes; and/or 3) improve access to or the quality of services, communication and information within government.   In addition, the service implemented by the nominee must meet at least one of the following criteria: use ICT to improve the common good, either at the local, national or global level (measuring the social benefit); demonstrate efficient use of current technology; highlighting its benefits; or run pilot projects evaluating the potential of the nominated solution when new and untested.

Criteria for Non-profit organizations: To be nominated, non-profit organizations must utilize information and communications technology to improve the common good through programs/applications that provide significant social benefits.  Examples of such programs include: medical groups that facilitate remotely assisted surgery via Internet, deployment of informative databases or other technologies that increase citizen participation in communities of interest - uses that bring aid, comfort, information, support or services to target community groups. 

2. Private Sector ICT Excellence Award
All for-profit, information technology users are eligible for this award.  

Award Criteria: This award honors the innovative uses of information technology that directly increase a business' ability to meet its objectives, improve its competitiveness or better serve its customer needs.  A for-profit user or provider of ICT that creates an advantage in the design, development, manufacturing, marketing and/or distribution of products and services would be eligible to receive this award. 

3. Digital Opportunity Award
Award Criteria: Individuals, academic institutions, corporations, NGOs or government authorities that have made a remarkable and successful effort at providing digital opportunities to those in need are eligible for this award.  Nominees must contribute to the deployment of information and communications technology and use of the Internet among inner city populations, or in towns, rural areas or cities in developing and least-developed countries in order to be considered for this award.  

4. Sustainable Growth Award
Award Criteria: Individuals, academic institutions, corporations, NGOs or governments that have made a remarkable and successful effort at using ICTs as a tool to promote sustainable economic growth. Sustainable economic growth shall be defined as the ability to improve the financial and social well-being without compromising the prosperity or well-being of future generations; a sustainable economy is therefore one in which economic growth is decoupled from environmental impacts. Three key challenges are climate change, resource degradation and pollution.  At the heart of all three is energy efficiency and the role that ICTs may have. 

5. Mobile Excellence Awards
Award Criteria: This Award will recognize innovators, leaders, change agents and trend-setters spanning the global mobile ecosystem from lifestyle to technology, environment and entertainment. In a world of ever changing innovations and technology, this award will take into consideration the successful application of mobile technology in areas of humanitarianism, health, mobile social awareness and justice, freedom of expression, sustainable growth, business and commerce, effective delivery of public services and transparency.

6. Innovative eHealth Solutions Award
Award Criteria: This Award recognizes Individuals, healthcare institutions, academic institutions, corporations, NGOs or governments that have made remarkable and successful efforts at utilizing ICTs as a tool to promote health and health care such as telehealth, mHealth (mobile health), eHealth or through eLearning, electronic health records, big data, legal frameworks, or social media. Solutions utilized may range from provision of information to keep citizens healthy, to support for public health in communities, care and support systems in health facilities, and from all the above the data needed to inform management and policy-makers.

7. WITSA’s Emerging Digital Solutions (WEDS) Award
The Emerging Digital Solutions winner is selected for their proven and scalable innovative digital solutions capable of transforming the wellbeing, prosperity, connectivity or productivity of others around the world.

This award will take into consideration the successful application of ICT in such areas as humanitarianism, health, social awareness and justice, rule of law, sustainable growth, business and commerce, health care, education, as well as the effective delivery of public services and transparency.

8. Digital Inclusion Award
In order for the Digital Age to fulfill its promise, it must consider the unique challenges faced by diverse populations. This includes people with disabilities and others who face longstanding barriers to social inclusion. Digital Inclusion is defined as the “ability of individuals and groups to access and use information and communication technologies (ICTs). Digital inclusion encompasses not only access to the Internet but also the availability of hardware and software; relevant content and services; and training for the digital literacy skills required for effective use of ICTs.”

This award recognizes solutions enabling accessibility for those individuals who have traditionally not benefited from ICT. This award also seeks innovative solutions that create meaningful employment through ICT for those who have traditionally been underrepresented in the labor force. Of particular interest to WITSA are applications that embed inclusion and accessibility in the original design as opposed to retrofitting existing applications.