Ukraine Project Finance/Infrastructure Investment Forum

Εκτός Ελλάδας

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Ukraine Project Finance/Infrastructure Investment Forum

Έναρξη 10:00 - Λήξη 17:00

Euroconvention Conferences is delighted to invite you to the Ukrainian Infrastructure & Project Finance Forum for 2008, taking place on 30 September and 1st October 2008 at the President Hotel in Kiev.

As you may know, Ukraine is now set for massive levels of project financing, sometimes linked to Concessions, PFI or PPP solutions in various sectors of infrastructure: railways, roads, ports, airports but also to construction linked to Euro 2012.

All the complex Legal issues will be given prominence as will a review of the current construction, Consultancy, Project Management, Real Estate, Bond Markets, Ratings, as the market for investors in PPP projects starts to emerge. So, important for Banks, Private Equity and Infrastructure funds.

This 2-day Forum offers a comprehensive and up-to-date briefing on public infrastructure finance in Ukraine with a focus on Sovereign and Municipal debt/guarantees, "quasi-Sovereign" and Public Private Partnership, especially the regulatory related issues.

Please see the updated agenda by clicking here and register now to guarantee your place.

If you have any question or wish to join the quality range of co-sponsor, sponsor or exhibitor, kindly contact us ASAP at one of our Brussels or London emails/phones and we will give it a prompt follow-up:

We look forward to welcoming you to the Forum in Kiev at the end of this month.