The 1st Annual European E-Commerce Conference
Εκτός Ελλάδας
The 1st Annual European E-Commerce Conference
Έναρξη 09:00 - Λήξη 17:00
Download the conference programme here
The 1st Annual European E-Commerce Conference will provide a consistent Brussels based platform and meeting point for all stakeholders involved in electronic commerce.
This year's event will focus on the most pertinent issues including privacy, security, advertising, competition policy and intellectual property. What will the new e-commerce pathway look like, particularly given the changing Commission and Parliament? How far has European policy making come in respect of the regulation (or not) of the digital domain and what steps can be made to improve and support e-commerce as a potential driver for economic and social improvement?
Given the horizontal nature of e-commerce and its emergence as a key part of the European and global economy, the range of issues discussed will be of relevance to those operating in many sectors including financial services, transportation and logistics, telecoms operators, internet service providers, security and privacy operators, goods manufacturers and many more.
A variety of leading stakeholders from Europe and beyond, along with policy makers and experts, will debate these key issues we do hope to welcome you to the event later this year.