
Εκτός Ελλάδας

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Έναρξη 00:00 - Λήξη 00:00

On the 22nd September in Brussels on the occasion of Mobility Week, ETRA (The European Twowheel Retailers' Association) and Forum Europe, in association with the Netherlands Embassy to the EU, the Greens/EFA Group and UEAPME, will host an exhibition of innovative bicycles and other two-wheelers outside the European Parliament (on the Esplanade). This will include a high level meeting on the now famous "conference bike" and senior policy-makers and stakeholders will be in attendance.

Following this, a half day debate bringing together participants from European and local authorities as well as from the bicycle business will take place at the Netherlands Embassy. The debate will focus on the role and potential of cycling and also electric bikes for creating cleaner, less congested cities and by extension, healthier citizens. The debate will be concluded with the launch of the Dutch Cycling Embassy.