IDC Storage, Virtualization & Datacenter Roadshow 2010

Εντός Ελλάδας

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IDC Storage, Virtualization & Datacenter Roadshow 2010

Έναρξη 09:00 - Λήξη 20:00

IDC has the pleasure of inviting you to the IDC Storage, Virtualization and Datacenter Roadshow 2010 that will take place on 15th June 2010, at 9:00AM, at the Royal Olympic Hotel.

In addition to reducing carbon emissions, "green IT" can have a positive effect on an organization's bottom line – a feature of particular importance during a global economic crisis. Dynamic infrastructure based on virtualization and other modern technologies can lower power consumption, improve infrastructure utilization, and reduce datacenter operating costs while improving efficiency. Additional benefits include greater flexibility, better scalability, and increased productivity.
Bringing together industry experts, analysts, and leaders, the IDC Storage, Virtualization and Datacenter Roadshow 2010 gives participants a unique opportunity to share experience, ideas, and best practices and to learn how virtualization and modern storage solutions can lead to more efficient IT infrastructure and data management.

Who Should Attend
· CIOs and COOs
· IT directors/managers
· Storage managers
· Disaster recovery/business continuity managers
· Technical managers
· Facility managers