2nd Annual Conference
CEE Telecoms Wholesale 2009
New Era of Communications
24th-25th September 2009, Le Meridien Bristol Hotel, Warsaw, Poland Dear Colleague, Covering deregulation in the mobile industry, MVNOs, new GSM/UMTS entrants, and MNOs, our Second annual Telecoms Wholesale conference will showcase the best MVNO business models, financing of infrastructure development in Telecoms, WiMAX , as well as economy products during financial crisis, Wholesale business models and NGNs, thus turning 2009 into a year of fulfilment and success.
This conference will examine the key challenges and opportunities of the current disposition of the telecoms market for CEE Telecoms Wholesale.
Now in its 6th year in the CEE Telecoms Industry, the EastEuro Link CEE Telecoms Wholesale forum will provide you with ideas and prospects for improvement in 2009 and beyond within a market predetermined to succeed by the high usage and penetration across the world.
High quality industry leaders will be addressing numerous aspects of the most pressing Telecoms Wholesale market drivers around the CEE region. Featuring international presentations the conference will serve as a stage to display ideas, research case studies and make use of the many networking opportunities. Some of the Hot topics addressed: • Find out about the regulation of telecoms - an advantage or challenge
• Deregulation of MVNOs and new GSM/UMTS entrants
• Examine the strategies of the next generation Wholesalers
• Cope with the changes in today’s market and increase revenue
• Increase your returns via VoIP
• MVNO’s vs Sub-Branding
• Define the best Business model for MVNOs
• Explore the industry’s Megatrends
• Infrastructure developments in Telecoms
• Revenue solutions during financial crisis Case studies and Country focused: • Overview of the Polish Market
• Developments on the Balkan – Focus on Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia, Bosnia, Slovenia and • Montenegro
• Innovation via FMC and IMC This event is designed for telecoms professionals including: