Εντός Ελλάδας

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Έναρξη 09:00 - Λήξη 19:00
Athens Concert Hall

Smart and intelligent technologies are radically changing not only our way of doing business but also our lifestyles, our way of thinking, communicating and being human.

For this reason it is urgent for all the business leaders involved in digital transformation to discuss risks and opportunities related to the design and use of these new technologies.

Never like now, in the age of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, technology must be considered as a tool, a means and never an end, which must always and in any case improve people's quality of life.

The aim is therefore to put the human being back in the center, reconfirming the strategic role of technology, capable of enhancing our skills without distorting our human nature.

Talking about the ethics of innovation also means becoming aware of the enormous power that technology can offer and how we want to manage it. It means starting to ask ourselves how we want to evolve and what future we want to be protagonists of, and not victims. Because the choice, at least until today, is still ours.